Dancehall deejays targeted by thieves.

Garrison Records head Blak Ryno falls victim to thieves on the weekend later on his motor vehicle was broken into and several items stolen.

According to reports, the unfortunate incident occurred concluding Friday night (November 25) near the Supreme Promotions function on Burlington Artery.

In a press release, the "Sick" deejay said he discovered that his car was broken into after leaving a coming together. He said his passport, wear and other items were stolen.

"I was at a meeting with my direction when the incident occurred. They broke into the motorcar and took out a make new suit I had just bought for a bear witness on the same night forth with my passport and some other items. They tin can go along the suit and the other things, I just need back my passport considering I have several overseas engagements in the coming days," Ryno said.

Ryno, whose real name is Romane Anderson, is appealing to the perpetrators to leave the passport at a police station, radio or television station or contact him at 847-0711, as the recovery of the passport is important.

Blak Ryno is booked to appear on St Lucia's Lovefest in December, and has other engagements in Costa Rica and Turks and Caicos over the holiday season.