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Are an Platy Gives Birth How Long Before She Get Pregnant Again

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How Long Volition The Platy Pregnancy Last?


  • #1
Hey everyone!

Tank parameters and details:
twenty gallon cycled
2 platies
6 zebra danios
i amano shrimp

I just got my platies nigh 3 weeks agone, and ever since her belly has been growing. I call back when I got her, her stomach was barely noticeable. Now, I don't know when she will requite nascency, or fifty-fifty if she's pregnant. Hither are some pictures. (Sorry they are non very good) Thanks in advance!

Oops! Sorry they are horizontal instead of vertical!!



  • #2
Most livebearers(Platys are livebearers) carry for 28-30 days. Non knowing when she got pregnant y'all don't know exactly when she's due. Just fee her skillful, go on the water actually clean and give her a place to hide/sleep and she will be fine.


  • #3
I've had ane panda platy for several months that is similar, nearly 2x the size of all the others and I thought she was pregnant for the first few weeks but accept now just resolved she has a weight result


  • Thread Starter
  • #iv
Okay. Well I'1000 guessing she got pregnant around the showtime week or 2 of October so she should possibly be due anytime now in the next ane-2 weeks?


  • #five
Okay. Well I'one thousand guessing she got meaning effectually the beginning week or two of October then she should perhaps be due anytime now in the side by side 1-2 weeks?

Probably. If you want some fry to survive, become a lot of plants for them to hide in


  • Thread Starter
  • #half dozen
Plants sound adept. I already have a planted tank, but would this plan piece of work?
When my platy is giving nascence, go a bushy institute to motility right near information technology, so the fry volition hide in it, and when mom is done giving birth, promptly remove that institute from the tank forth with the fry in it. Volition this work or no? Thanks


  • #seven
How long will the platy pregnancy last? I'chiliad guessing not nine months!

I would just get out the plant in information technology. I doubt you'd be able to accept the plant and fry in one swoop. And for putting the plant next to her I wouldn't bother; she'll probably swim abroad. Just drib information technology in, she'll likely go to it anyhow, and the fry volition gravitate to if for cover on their own too.


  • #viii
in my experience... no it won't work the fry are fast petty things and they will merely find somewhere else. The thing with plants which is why they are so good is that the fry can become inside from almost whatsoever angle.... but they tin get out from nigh any angle too!

Move the constitute about to her if you can but she volition probably swim away and find somewhere else and the last thing you want to do is stress her out. Having the plant at that place will provide comprehend for the babies for a while. I likewise have lots of nooks and crannies tubes and whatnot. The best spots my fry like are under my ornaments I poke a hole in the substrate under them and so place the ornament over the elevation leaving a fiddling way in of course.

I also have a breeder net with a piffling tray at the bottom where the fry tin get but the adults can't I pop the fry in there when I practice catch them. (normally during a gravel vac I finish the siphon and slide a net under the bottom and hey presto 1 trapped fry.) I accept hiding places in the net too.


  • #9
I discover that after the mom gives nascence, using a turkey baster is the best manner to catch the sneaky fry (of course y'all'll have to have another tank or a breeder net for the fry, though)


  • #ten
Re: How long will the platy pregnancy last? I'1000 guessing not 9 months!

Turkey baster? Where was this good idea last night! lol


  • Thread Starter
  • #11
Hmmm turkey baster sounds like it would work. Merely would it stress out or possibly injure the fry? Also, I understand I could exit the fry in the tank, simply how would they eat? Finally, are we sure she is pregnant? Haha because I don't want to be planning something that will not fifty-fifty happen! Today she was slightly bigger.


  • #12
Hmmm turkey baster sounds like it would work. Only would it stress out or maybe injure the fry? Also, I empathise I could leave the fry in the tank, but how would they eat? Finally, are we sure she is pregnant? Haha because I don't desire to exist planning something that will not even happen! Today she was slightly bigger.

I don't think information technology would stress out the fry, after all it'southward but for a couple of seconds... better than getting eaten, I would say. If yous leave them in the fry they'll swallow left over food or micro-organisms on plants, or you lot tin can get some baby powdered food/liquid food for them. From the pictures, she looks pregnant to me.


  • #thirteen
How long will the platy pregnancy last? I'm guessing non 9 months!

If y'all don't have fry food like hikarI first bites, you can beat up regular flake food until its well-nigh a pulverization consistency. Go along in mind that the kickoff bites are higher in protein which helps them abound bigger faster.


  • Thread Starter
  • #14
Cheers! I do have a fry food, although its non hikarI offset bites. I'k so excited!! I hope the birth is successful! Also, does the turkey baster need to be unused? Thanks so much everyone!!


  • #15
Thanks! I do accept a fry food, although its not hikarI showtime bites. I'1000 so excited!! I promise the nativity is successful! Also, does the turkey baster need to be unused? Thanks so much everyone!!

Yeah it does need to be unused.


  • #xvi
Yeah, I'd become unused, for the health of the fish and your ain personal wellness (if my wife found me using the kitchen stuff I'd be typing from a hospital ICU )


  • Thread Starter
  • #17
Okay. I'm nevertheless deciding between the breeder and the turkey baster method. Does the breeder stress the fish out a lot?

I spotted the gravid spot yesterday! I tin can see all the little eyes!!!!! Sorry I'yard a little over excited hahahaha. Does that hateful she'due south most due? Ive had her for almost iv weeks now.


  • #18
How long will the platy pregnancy terminal? I'1000 guessing non 9 months!

They do go a tendency to stress when put into a restricted space just who wouldn't. I think you're better off simply putting the fry into information technology afterwards they are built-in.

Edit: congrats, I get excited when my guppies and platies are close to dropping. I'd say yours could drop any time now, peculiarly if you are seeing eyes


  • Thread Starter
  • #19
They do get a tendency to stress when put into a restricted space but who wouldn't. I recall y'all're amend off only putting the fry into it after they are born.

Edit: congrats, I get excited when my guppies and platies are close to dropping. I'd say yours could drop any time now, peculiarly if you lot are seeing optics

YAYY!!! I can't wait! At to the lowest degree I remember I'm seeing eyes. Are they small blackish spheres in the gravid spot? I'k not exactly sure how to describe them.

I'll simply go with the turkey baster/netting method and so. Thank you so much everyone!

Deplorable I forgot to mention this earlier, but I have a 4 gallon tank handy that I program to heighten the fry in. Should I put my platy in there before she gives birth or merely stick to the original plan? Sad but thanks!


  • #20
Re: How long volition the platy pregnancy last? I'm guessing not 9 months!

That'southward heady! I use the baster and it works swell. Good luck!


  • Thread Starter
  • #21
Okay, I'll just stick to that so. Cheers!


  • #22
How long will the platy pregnancy last? I'm guessing not nine months!

If your4 gallon is already cycled that's not a bad way to get, it's much bigger than a breeder. I would only do it though if it were heavily planted or she could still snack on them if they have no place to hide.


  • Thread Starter
  • #23
Yea I was thinking about that, as in that location are virtually no hiding spots and the fry will end up being eaten.
Here'southward a picture of clementine, my platy



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  • #24


  • #25
Re: How long will the platy pregnancy last? I'1000 guessing not 9 months!

she's a pretty fish!


  • Thread Starter
  • #26


  • #28
Howdy danio...I think by the time you wake up tomorrow you will have a much skinnier fishie momma. I can't make information technology out in any other picture other than the concluding on of your kickoff mail service, however I practise see a gravid spot. With that and you seeing the babies eyes. I would say you have 2 days left TOPS. Delight don't put her in the breeder net. She volition be much happier in her own environment just so long every bit she has plenty of hiding spots.

Don't worry, information technology has been my feel that Platy babies are actually very smart piddling fish. I STILL take one who was the production of a very small-scale driblet who lives in my 50 gal with much bigger fish. I used to accept two Blood Parrots in there. Who LOVE fry. But she was smart. I rescued her sibling and she is growing upwardly in the fry tank. If yous have the breeder internet, I would just fish out a few of the babies as you see them and tin catch them later you start noticing them. Unfortunately it is impossible to keep and save ever single fry. If y'all did y'all would go style over crowded in no time. Good luck!!!!


  • Thread Starter
  • #29
Thanks anybody. I was hoping I would come home today and she would have given birth, but information technology seems that she has not yet. She was eating very well today and showing no signs of nativity coming soon. I feel as though she volition never give birth. I will see what happens tomorrow though! It will be a little vacation phenomenon Cheers again.


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  • #30
My platy withal has non given nativity, and I'm becoming worried. Is she fifty-fifty significant at all? It'south been over a month now!


  • Thread Starter
  • #31
She has still not given nascency and I'm start to think she's just a fleck overweight and I'm imagining the gravid spot. It's been over a calendar month at present and no signs of giving birth.


  • Thread Starter
  • #32
My platy has notwithstanding not given birth! Are there any signs when she is simply about to give birth?


  • #33
you can buy breeding contraptions and then when the mother gives nascence her babies autumn to the bottom so they can't get eaten by anything its like a net bottom? good luck!!


  • Thread Starter
  • #34
I recollect those may be as well confining bettalover99 only thank you anyways.


  • Thread Starter
  • #35
I'1000 first to think at that place may exist something with my water quality, every bit she still has not given nascence. Last time tested my water the ammonia was 0 nitrites were 0 and nitrates were about 15. Could she exist stressed or experience there's not plenty hiding spots or something?


  • #36
Re: How long will the platy pregnancy last? I'm guessing not nine months!

I've seen that happen. No idea what causes it; your water quality seems fine. Bettalover99's idea might be worth a shot, equally information technology might encourage her to give birth, especially if you put in some floating plants. ???


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  • #37
Should I endeavour putting her in the other four gallon and just full it with LOT of floating plants to possibly encourage her or just proceed her in the chief tank?


  • #38
Putting her in a tank with an uncycled filter won't be good for her. A breeding net/box that allows circulation to the principal tank is all-time, IMO, because her water stays filtered and heated that way.


  • Thread Starter
  • #39
Oh lamentable I forgot to mention, the 4 gallon is cycled. Do yous think if I put her in there she will feel like she tin can requite birth there so it will nearly trigger her?


  • #xl
Maybe. I oasis't had much success with "triggering" platies; they seem to give nascence when they're ready.


  • #41
Re: How long will the platy pregnancy last? I'm guessing not ix months!

Hows information technology now?


  • #42
Last fourth dimension I used a breeder, the guppy female parent got so stressed out, gave nascence to some good for you fry and some deformed fry, and then died the next mean solar day. I'll never utilize a breeder e'er again!


  • Thread Starter
  • #43
She still has not given nascence, and her gravid spot is pretty visible. I don't know what the reason could be. I wouldn't exist using a breeder, only a four gallon tank instead.


  • #44
Re: How long will the platy pregnancy last? I'1000 guessing not nine months!

How virtually now


  • Thread Starter
  • #45
Still no signs of her giving nativity


  • #46
Re: How long will the platy pregnancy terminal? I'yard guessing not ix months!

Wow I bet she could just pop correct at present


  • #47
Hopefully she gave birth did she


  • Thread Starter
  • #48
Well, looks like aquatic was right in the first place. Clementine must simply have a weight result hahahaha


  • Thread Starter
  • #49
Yeah, she seems just to be a platy in need of Jenny Craig.
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